2014년 2월 7일 금요일

Fwd: Council Reflections Award Ceremony - Save the Date!







Dear Reflections participants,


I’m so pleased to let you know that the following students have received awards in the PTA Council Reflections competition!  This was the next level in the Reflections competition for all 1st place winners from Pico Canyon.


Visual Arts / 3rd – 5th :  Anna Roh – Award of Merit (2nd place)

Visual Arts / Special Artist:  Eduardo Lara – Award of Excellence (1st place!)

Literature / K-2nd : Claire Chang – Award of Merit (2nd place)

Literature / 3rd – 5th : Ella Park – Award of Merit (2nd place)

Literature / 6th – 8th :  Drew Ashlock – Honorable Mention

Film Production / K-2nd : Jake Vojtech – Award of Merit (2nd place)

Film Production / 3rd – 5th : Jonathan Pfeffer – Honorable Mention

Film Production / Special Artist:  Eduardo Lara – Award of Excellence (1st place!)

Music Composition / K-2nd :  Prabhtej Singh – Award of Merit (2nd place)

Music Composition / 6th – 8th :  Ariana Zamani – Award of Excellence (1st place!)


We were told that there were over 300 entries this year and competition was fierce!  Ariana Z. and Eduardo L. will be continuing on to District-level competition as 1st place winners and we wish them lots of luck!


Please *save the date* for the Council Reflections award ceremony on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30 p.m. at the COC Performing Arts Center.  All students above, and their families, are invited to attend.   All winners, including 1st place, 2nd place, and Honorable Mention winners, will receive awards on stage at the gala.   You will also receive an invitation in the mail. 


Congratulations again to your child on their wonderful accomplishment!   They have represented Pico Canyon well!   Thank you for your support.




Susan Anderson

Pico Canyon PTA

Reflections Chairperson 2013-2014






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