2013년 2월 25일 월요일

Infographic: Just How Big Is Amazon.com?

Infographic: Just How Big Is Amazon.com?

Amazon Headquarters
The beauty of Amazon.com is the ability to browse hundreds of thousands of products on one website. But what if the online retailer were actually a brick-and-mortar store?
E-commerce experts 500 Friends pondered that question in a new infographic (below), and found that Amazon has enough products to fill 1,290 Walmart Supercenters.
Amazon is expected to grow 23 percent this year, with $9,823 pouring in every five seconds, or $117,882 per minute. In total, Amazon is forecast to earn $62 billion in 2012 revenue.
The numbers are even more staggering in comparison to other big-box retailers, like Target and Walmart, which have 355,000 and 2.2 million total employees, respectively, but earn less than $200,000 per worker. Meanwhile, Amazon makes more than $941,000 for each of its 51,000 employees.
Think completing all of your holiday shopping on Amazon.com is a little too easy? Just imagine what it would be like to step into the local Amazon store, where the company's monthly visitors — 80 million people — could fill 24 Malls of America, or 60 Disneylands.
The fourth-quarter holiday shopping experience is expected to top out at $23 billion, the graphic said — enough to put $286.63 in gifts under every Christmas tree in the country. Shipping costs alone, presumed to reach $696 million, could send 1.5 billion Christmas cards this year.
With a total 183 million products available in its online warehouse, Amazon's office products could stock more than 483 Staples store, while its collection of tools and home improvement items could fill the shelves of more than 120 Home Depot stores.
At the brick-and-mortar Amazon store, most customers would likely be filing through the electronics department, where the majority of sales were made ($25.8 billion) this year. Another $5.6 billion went toward grocery, health, and beauty products, or the equivalent of more than 2.8 million bottles of 1966 Dom Perignon, according to 500 Friends.
For a closer look at the online retailer, check out the full infographic below.
For more from Stephanie, follow her on Twitter @smlotPCMag.
How big is Amazon.com

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