2013년 4월 16일 화요일

About the Health Insurance Marketplace

About the Health Insurance Marketplace

When key parts of the health care law take effect in 2014, there'll be a new way to get health insurance: the Health Insurance Marketplace. The Marketplace is designed to help you find health insurance that fits your budget, with less hassle.

Every health insurance plan in the new Marketplace will offer comprehensive coverage, from doctors to medications to hospital visits. You can compare all your insurance options based on price, benefits, quality, and other features that may be important to you, in plain language that makes sense.

You'll know you're getting a quality health plan at a reasonable price, because there's nothing buried in the fine print.

Learn more about the value of health insurance.

Find out who's eligible and get information about your state Marketplace.

Insurance plans run by private companies

When you shop at the Marketplace, everything you need is laid out for you. All your costs are stated up front, so you'll get a clear picture of what you're paying and what you're getting before you make a choice.

Under the health care law, there will also be new protections for you and your family. Health insurance companies can't refuse to cover you or charge you more just because you have a chronic or pre-existing condition, and they can't charge more for women than for men.

Many people will get a break on costs

Thanks to new rules and expanded programs, even working families will be able to get help through the Health Insurance Marketplace. There will be new, expanded programs available, and more people than ever before will qualify for free or low-cost health insurance programs.

Most people will be able to get a break on costs through the Marketplace, even if you think your income is too high to get help. One application, one time, and you'll see all the programs you qualify for.

Watch for more information in October 2013

Starting in October, you'll be able to get information about all the plans available in your area. You'll be able to enroll yourself, directly through the website, or call a toll-free phone hotline.

If you're having difficulty finding a plan that meets your needs and budget, there'll be people available to give you personalized help with your choices. These helpers aren't associated with any particular plan, and they aren't on any type of commission, so the help they give you will be completely unbiased.

Coverage from the Marketplace starts in January 2014.

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